Canton of Zurich: Supervisory Complaints a Farce in the Department of Interior and Justice

Email to: [email protected]
Date: October 11, 2023

Good day,

Since the introduction of the new, federal Code of Criminal Procedure (StPO) in 2011, the Ombudsman’s Office of the Canton no longer has official authority to handle complaints against public prosecutors.

In connection with excessive and often incorrect penal orders, of which around 20% are subsequently revoked and the proceedings discontinued, there were reports in the “Beobachter” in 2022 and 2023. The Senior Public Prosecutor’s Office of Zurich referred to “isolated cases” of incorrect penal orders in their statements to the “Beobachter”. The Judiciary Committee of the Cantonal Council is also involved concerning the problems of the Zurich public prosecutors. The outcome of a study is awaited.

One would think that the classic supervisory complaint would be a patent remedy to address the current issue, especially since the Ombudsman’s Office can no longer intervene. One would probably not first think of criminal complaints against public prosecutors as a means to combat the problem. However, this presupposes that the institution of the supervisory complaint in the Department of Interior and Justice of the Canton of Zurich actually functions.

According to this report, this does not appear to be the case:

How does the Ombudsman’s Office of the Canton view the procedure in the Canton of Zurich against errant public prosecutors when supervisory complaints apparently are no longer taken seriously and addressed?

Kind regards, A. B.

Status: Reply pending