Upcoming Stories

Stories currently in progress:

  • Zurich: Authorities Engaged in Witch-Hunt against Transgender People
  • Switzerland: The Rule of the Men with Regressive Values
  • The Authoritarian Personality in Public Service
  • Caged by Bureaucracy
  • Why Switzerland is Overrated
  • Why the Swiss Legal System is Biased
  • Understanding Switzerland: "Sauhäfeli, Saudeckeli"

Do you have an idea for a topic? Know of an interesting story? We invite you to share your suggestions with our community below. Interested in writing an article yourself? Please don’t hesitate to get in touch: zurichobserver [at] protonmail.com.

Recognize any of the topics mentioned above? Think of a personal story related to one of these subjects? We’re especially interested in hearing from individuals willing to share their negative experiences with Swiss companies, institutions, media, government agencies, and the judiciary system (a university degree is not necessary): zurichobserver [at] protonomail.com

Please note: Due to cost-efficiency reasons, emails sent to zurichobserver [at] protonmail.com are currently checked and responded to roughly once a month.

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